Understanding Long Vax: A Growing Health Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a significant mark on global health, with lingering effects that go beyond the acute illness caused by the virus. Among these long-term impacts are conditions like Long Covid, which is now widely recognized and being studied. However, there is another, often overlooked condition that shares striking similarities with Long Covid: “Long Vax”. This condition, which has emerged in the wake of mRNA vaccinations, mirrors many symptoms of Long Covid but may have unique characteristics and requires distinct attention.

The Origins of Long Vax

Long Covid, despite being a relatively new term, is not a new disease. It closely resembles a decades-old condition known as myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The hallmark symptoms—fatigue, post-exertional malaise (PEM), and cognitive deficits or "brain fog"—are present in almost every patient suffering from Long Covid. But for many, particularly those who developed symptoms shortly after receiving an mRNA vaccine, these symptoms might actually signal Long Vax.

Long Vax, as it has come to be called, initially presented itself in patients who experienced clusters of symptoms within minutes, hours, or days following mRNA vaccination. Although some of these patients also had a history of COVID-19 infection, the onset of their chronic symptoms more frequently followed vaccination rather than the infection itself. Over time, it became clear that Long Vax, while similar to Long Covid, often results in more severe symptoms and includes additional issues such as small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia.

The Overlap and Distinctions Between Long Vax and Long Covid

Differentiating between Long Vax and Long Covid is generally straightforward, based on the timing of symptom onset relative to the triggering event—whether it be a COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccination. While the treatment approaches for both conditions have been largely similar, there is a belief that there may be crucial differences in how Long Vax should be treated due to the unique factors associated with mRNA vaccines. These include ongoing spike protein production, the widespread distribution of mRNA and spike proteins throughout the body, the inflammatory effects of lipid nanoparticles, and potential long-term consequences of DNA plasmid contaminants.

The Response of the Medical Community

Despite the significant number of Long Vax cases—70% of one specialist's practice is now focused on Long Vax patients—the condition has not received the recognition it deserves. Most medical institutions have been slow to acknowledge the role of mRNA vaccines in causing this syndrome, focusing instead on Long Covid. This oversight has led to inadequate care for many Long Vax patients, who often encounter dismissive or even hostile responses from healthcare providers when they suggest that their symptoms are linked to vaccination.

The reluctance to recognize vaccine-induced injuries is a form of medical gaslighting—a well-documented phenomenon where medical professionals fail to acknowledge the harm caused by their own treatments. This has left many patients feeling abandoned by the healthcare system, further compounding their suffering.

The Need for Recognition and Research

It is crucial that both Long Covid and Long Vax are recognized as distinct yet related conditions. The unique characteristics of Long Vax, particularly those stemming from the mRNA vaccines, necessitate specific research and tailored treatment approaches. Ignoring the contribution of mRNA vaccines to this growing health crisis not only fails those suffering from Long Vax but also hinders the understanding of how to effectively treat these complex syndromes.

After more than two years of advocating for recognition of Long Vax, there is finally some progress. Recently, an Op-Ed by Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory was published recently in a major media outlet, drawing attention to this critical issue. While this is a step in the right direction, much more needs to be done to ensure that the millions suffering from Long Vax receive the care and attention they desperately need.


The rise of Long Vax highlights the need for a broader understanding of the long-term effects of both COVID-19 and the vaccines developed to combat it. As the medical community continues to navigate the aftermath of the pandemic, it is essential to expand the focus to include all potential consequences of public health strategies. Only by acknowledging and addressing both Long Covid and Long Vax can effective care be provided to those who continue to suffer.

If you’d like to explore this topic further, this article by Dr. Pierre Kory is a great place to start.