Journey into Treating Male Factor Infertility

Over the last few years I've taken a deep dive into how acupuncture and Eastern medicine can help with male factor infertility.

Thanks largely to the work of folks like @drshannaswan and others - my interest sparked as I became aware of the massive drop in fertility rates that we're facing in Western industrialized nations. It's not particularly great, we're not too far from a point of no return (more on that to come).


INFERTILITY BREAKDOWN — approximately 1/3 female factor, 1/3 male factor, 1/3 both and 10% unknown

Despite our problems and complexities, I think humans are unique, beautiful beings, capable of incredibly amazing things. I truly believe, as a species, we've barely begun to plumb the depths of our greatest potential. So, I can't personally imagine a better thing than to help make more of them. Especially to aid those suffering from the ability to do so without a bit of extra help.

While much of the onus is placed on women in the fertility process when things aren't working out, males are a hugely overlooked factor. It was astonishing to me that in many infertility situations, the male factor is something of an afterthought. In fact, when it comes to fertility problems, the general breakdown is somewhere around: 1/3 female factor, 1/3 male factor, 1/3 both and 10% unknown.

So, why such a lack of focus and/or support for males? Very good question. There are likely many reasons and I intend to explore all of them.

So, if you're finding yourself in a situation where you or your partner is having difficulty, or would just like to optimize sperm health throughout your fertility journey please feel free to reach out. Acupuncture and Eastern medicine is a great complimentary therapy for male factor infertility issues.

A typical session will consist of a semen analysis review (if an analysis is available), a look at diet and lifestyle, some recommendations for supplementation and herbs (if needed), acupuncture and likely some infrared light therapy.

All very easy, comfortable and painless.

If you’d like to learn more, I highly recommend checking out the work of Dr. Shanna Swan. In this interview from Mt. Sinai Hospital, Dr. Swan discusses how endocrine-disrupting chemicals are contributing to decreasing sperm counts and more.