Vibrating on Om + Interoception

Likely there aren’t any rigorous studies regarding vibrating at the frequency of OM, but there might be more to it than you think.

Interoception is fascinating. The perception of gentle, novel inputs into your physical awareness can be incredibly valuable. We spend a lot of time in our heads. A LOT OF TIME in our heads. Therapies like this, acupuncture, qi gong, yoga, etc. can be remarkable for helping you “tune” back in to your inner physical landscape. We often get so caught up in the relentless inner dialogue and dominance of the *thinking* mind that we end up not tuned into the *feeling* mind and miss so much that’s happening inside.

Before you know it, your shoulders are permanently lodged at your ears and you have golf ball sized knots in your traps and all varieties of other chronic problems (headaches, IBS, GERD, the list goes on and on). It happens so stealthily and insidiously over time that if we’re not intentionally and consciously tuning in, we don’t realize it until it’s become a proper problem. So a practice of inner awareness can not only anchor and ground us, but also provide a lot of valuable information that lies just underneath the threshold of normal perception.

If you need a cosmic tune *up* so you can better tune IN, reach out.!

#rochesterny #interoception #acupuncture #om #tuning #frequency #ACU585 #flourcityacupuncture #qigong



Shamus Clancey